
Chemical Industry

The chemical industry creates an immense variety of products using a wide range of raw materials, from gas and minerals to oil. For the industry’s diverse production processes, Minebea Intec offers innovative and individual weighing and inspection technologies and services. Whether chemicals are being produced in basic or very advanced processes, or for household or industrial purposes, Minebea Intec’s range of high-tech equipment for weighing and batching materials, and detecting foreign bodies, meets every specific requirement.

As a leading supplier of weighing and inspection technologies and services, we offer various solutions, including for challenges such as Ex applications, hygienic environments and windy or seismic conditions. further more, our innovative weighing and software solutions, in particular, continuously enhance operational efficiency, increasing flexibility and improving competitiveness.

A reliable partner for chemical industry quality control equipment

Minebea Intec has many decades of experience in the development and manufacturing of innovative production and quality assurance equipment for weighing and foreign body detection purposes. A great deal of this experience has been in chemical manufacturing applications, where quality control plays a vital role in ensuring product safety and quality while also maximising the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of production processes, e.g. by optimising process and product quality.

As a reliable partner of chemical manufacturers around the world, Minebea Intec invests heavily and constantly in testing and certification in accordance with various national and international standards and regulations, such as

  • for products: EHEDG / FDA / HACCP / IFS 
  • for Ex applications (explosion protection): ATEX / FM / CSA / IECExn
  • for calibration: OIML / NTEP

Applications of our products

Goods In

Checking of incoming materials
Ensuring that all materials that will be used in the production process are exactly as ordered is the first step in production quality control. If not, the integrity of the entire manufacturing process is at risk before it begins, and the quality of the end product is already jeopardised.
Minebea Intec has everything needed to check incoming goods and stored materials for weight content and foreign bodies – efficiently, reliably and fully compliant with the chemical industry’s strict quality and safety standards.

R&D, engineering and quality control

Equipment for R&D, quality control and engineering applications
Engineering work, such as research and development in particular, plays an important role in the chemical industry, and requires the use of highly accurate weighing equipment. Minebea Intec’s wide range of industrial scales includes solutions for every such application, no matter what the material, weight or required precision.
Quality control is vitally important in the chemical industry – especially for health, safety and product quality reasons, but also for commercial or stock monitoring purposes. The use of the appropriate quantities of the correct materials must be ensured, generally requiring the use of high-accuracy weighing equipment. Minebea Intec’s range of weighing products has a solution for almost every need, helping make quality control and checking processes efficient, effective and reliable.


Automated equipment for the production process
Automation of processes in the chemical industry is continually increasing, and weighing and batching operations are critically important in this industry. Minebea Intec’s fully automated weighing, batching and mixing solutions are designed to be seamlessly integrated into modern production processes – easily calibrated, and with the speed required to avoid slowing down the whole operation. They help ensure process and product safety, e.g. in relation to explosion protection. And, of course, they offer the precision and reliability required to ensure the quality of the product and cost-effectiveness of the manufacturing process.

Filling and Packaging

Filling, weighing and checking during the packing stage
During packaging – often the last point at which contamination can enter the product – the amount of finished product placed in individual packages must be reliably measured, and amounts must often be checked separately for quality control purposes. Minebea Intec’s numerous filling, weighing and inspection solutions have been optimised to meet the needs of chemicals manufacturers in their packaging operations, ensuring that the product leaving the factory will satisfy final customers´expectations. Systematic recording of the details of all production steps can be transferred into the company’s quality control system and provide invaluable information in the event of a customer complaint or a product recall.

Goods Out

Final checking before delivery
Once chemical products have been packaged, they can be stored until required and then transferred to Goods Out for delivery to customers. Here, reliable control and documentation of the product transfer is important for commercial and risk-avoidance reasons. Completeness of orders must be confirmed, and over-delivery of product should also be avoided – checks which are especially important where secondary packaging is additionally required. Various weighing and inspection solutions from Minebea Intec can be found at this final stage of the manufacturing process, which can be related to checkweighing applications, especially where multiple product types or package sizes are combined in a single delivery, final foreign body control, and also solutions for truck weighing.

Our products and solutions for the chemical industry

Truck scale components and solutions

Our truck scale components are extremely robust and reliable, being designed to withstand severe loading from heavy road vehicles, but offer a very high degree of weighing precision.

Vessel and Silo Weighing

Our weighing solutions can be applied to silos and vessels of all sizes, with any desired degree of precision, and may be supplied for Ex applications, hygienic environments and windy or seismic conditions. 

Foreign Body Detection

Our range of detection and inspection systems enhances the safety of production equipment, staff and consumers. The portfolio includes solutions for packaged products, bulk materials and pipeline-transported materials, using metal detection technology or x-ray systems

Bench and floor scales

Our bench scales and floor scales are designed for high-precision weighing of loads from 0.02 g to 3000 kg, and can be supplied for connection to a weighing terminal or directly to a customised control system.

Dynamic Checkweighers

Our checkweighing solutions, for in-line or end-of-line verification of product weight or completeness, can be configured to suit individual needs, and we are also happy to custom-design checkweighers for non-standard applications.

Filling Solutions

Our control units and software for filling solutions in the Chemical industry are highly accurate and easily adjustable to suit widely varying requirements in terms of quantity, speed and material.

Best Practice

Ensuring ATEX compliance for a leading aerospace company.

Read Best Practice

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